95,000,000 Children Living in Desperate Poverty in Pakistan

Poverty in Pakistan rose from 34.2% to 
39.4% in just one year, with 12.5 million more people falling below the poverty line of the $3.65 per day income level. About 95 million Pakistanis now live in poverty. Pakistan also has the lowest per capita income in South Asia and highest out-of-school kids in the world.  Source – CNN

Pakistan Hit By Fire, Flood & Earthquakes

Pakistan has had some of the worst luck in the world when it comes to natural disasters. Many homes are underwater, and people dying of dehydration or malnutrition, sleeping 10 people to a room in a broken down home or sleeping in dirty water. Below are just a few of the hundreds of images the team has taken to show the devastation.

Having Fun Delivering Food To The Philippines Provinces

Poverty in Pakistan rose from 34.2% to 
39.4% in just one year, with 12.5 million more people falling below the poverty line of the $3.65 per day income level. About 95 million Pakistanis now live in poverty. Pakistan also has the lowest per capita income in South Asia and highest out-of-school kids in the world.  Source – CNN