About The Kane Foundation
There are a lot of charities out there for sponsoring a child. You can find a list here at the Wheels For Wishes website. Personally, I like the non public and more private organizations. Where your money goes straight from point A. to B. without any politics or advertising expenses or operating costs that you don’t even know about.
With us, 95% or more of your money goes to the cause, the actual people on the ground. Our people in Pakistan and the Philippines who organize and deliver food and supplies to the provinces work on their own dime as much as possible. As the president, I get nothing; I have an advertising company and a few other ventures that support myself so I do not need any of the donation money for operation costs.
It takes about $10 per month to support one child with food and clothes or basic necessities so they don’t have to struggle for that. $10 is the cost of a single person’s lunch here in America. We are asking for $20 but will take anything.
People give anywhere from $10/mo to $400/mo, and sometimes, even a generous lump amount.
About Thomas J. Kane, Founder
At 16 years old in 1997 I built my first client website for a car dealership. At 17 I was one of the first few people in Kansas to be Cisco Networking Certified and I helped co-build the first computer network for a high school, two elementary schools, a hospital, and a 911 station.
By the age of 40 now I have over 25,000 hours in content writing mastery and Google Advertising/SEO and have worked with over 480 different industries, amazing mentors, SEO & PPC corporate team leader at Godaddy.com, trained other SEO company’s staff, managed over $42M dollars in advertising spend since 2007 for multiple companies and spent over $1M in A/B testing, created landing pages, sales funnels and massive PPC campaigns for the USA’s #1 automotive leads provider, helped expand a global e-commerce business from 5 English sites to 122 sites in 30 countries in 7 languages, owned two #1 top-ranked SEO companies, in both Arizona & Kansas.

When he is not working, Thomas loves to go for long walks in the park feeding the wildlife, reading books and writing them himself. When he does actually get away from work, it would be a relaxing day at the beach or some rollerblading, iceskating or jet skiing.
“I grew up a little less fortunate in America, being the product of a single mother with 7 children and having been homeless and starving on the street at the age of 23 myself, I know what it is like to feel like you have no future because the only thing you can think to worry about is whether you will have enough food, clothing and shelter. I can’t physically have my own children, but I love helping people and especially those less fortunate who are in a rough position through no fault of their own.”